Monday, March 31, 2008

Throne Eins

Continuing to work on my 00 Gundam's, heres the progress on Throne Eins. I still need to build the beam gun and backpack linkups for the other throne units. I should be able to get some serious work done in the next two days. Hopefully I will finish Throne Eins tomorrow, and try to complete Drei on wendnesday.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Done for now.

Here she is finished for the moment, I'm sure I could find some more things to do but I want to get started on Throne Eins, and Throne Drei. I also wanted to also plan some grunts and possibly one origional Gundam. I was also considering building the GNX but I'll wait and see how things go.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Texture Test

Throne Zwei texture test, not complete but atleast I finished unwrapping it today. The main reason I chose Throne Zwei (besides being badass) is all the Throne Gundams share similar body components. Next up Throne Eins, and Throne Drei.

Peace, Infinity.


Well, this is the last thing I thought I would be doing. I make a point to never do the normal or cool thing (i.e. blog/ipod/rbk pads...exc...), but I came to the decission that I am members to so meny forums that it hurt. Most of this was due to the fact that I have my hands in so meny differnt things.

So what am I working on now. This started as what I like to call a one day binge build in 3dsmax, Gundam Throne Zwei.

I am in the process of textureing it at the moment, though this was never my intent. I realy fell in love with the suit while I was building it and felt it needed to be done up right. As far as updates expect more today as I want to do some mod work tomorrow.